Introduction – Ch. 1
(Through pg. 20,
Subversive Witness)

- Watch Video: Biblical Justice (6 minutes).
- Watch Interview: How the Bible Defines Love (30 minutes) with Rev. Dr. Dennis Edwards, Dean of North Park Theological Seminary and Vice President for Church Relations.
- Watch Video: Anti Racism (10 minutes) from Dr. Christina Edmondson
- Watch this Homily (18 minutes) from Rev. Dr. Efrem Smith (Lead Pastor of Midtown Covenant Church).
Reflection Questions
- How is biblical justice inherently restorative?
- What themes did you take away on the biblical definition of love from the interview with Dr. Edwards?
- How would I answer the question: “Why should Christians pursue antiracism?”
- What gaps exist in my community? And what would it look like to stand in them?

Ch. 2-4 (pg. 21-82,
Subversive Witness)
- Watch Video (4 minutes) from Rev. Juana Nesta
- Watch Video (6 minutes) on the crisis along our southern border
- Watch this lecture (1 hour, including Q & A after the lecture) from Karen Gonzalez, entitled “The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible, and the Journey to Belong”
- This episode on “Targeting El Paso” (55 minutes)
Reflection Questions
- When it comes to immigration, how have I built my beliefs, principles, and/or worldview on things other than Scripture?
- What do I feel after watching the video about the crisis along the southern boarder?
- How might what I learn in this section of the pathway inform my witness and ethics?
- What did I find meaningful in how Gonzalez reframed the story of Ruth?
- What are the barriers to having fruitful conversations about immigration reform, and how can I proactively address them?
- How can I better convey the violence and unethical nature of our current immigration system within my community & our congregation?
Chapters 5 & 6 (pg. 83 -118, Subversive Witness)

- Watch Sermon (1 hour) from Richard Twiss
- Watch Documentary In the White Man’s Image (1 hour)
- Watch Ted Talk (12 minutes) by Rosalie Fish
Reflection Questions
- What did I feel when I first learned about the Doctrine of Discovery?
- What strategies might I cultivate to deconstruct, confront, and change incomplete narratives
that abound, narratives that contribute to oppression, violence, and death in Indigenous
communities? - How does white supremacy deny the truth of the Imago Dei? How did the documentary In the
White Man’s Image highlight this?

Chapter 7 (pg. 119 -150, Subversive Witness)
- Watch Video (25 minutes) on racial trauma from Dr. Sheila Wise Rowe
- Watch Documentary True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality (1 hour & 40minutes)
- The first chapter of Rethinking Incarceration
Reflection Questions
- What did I learn about racial trauma, and walking with others who have experienced
racial trauma? - Where do I see stories of traumatized people in the Bible (think of at least 3)?
- What did I feel as I listened to Dr. Emmerson’s presentation? Did it motivate me to
respond in any way? - What are two or three new things I learned from this documentary?
- What was I most inspired by?
- What horrid parts of U.S. History have I been ignorant to, or reluctant to fully
acknowledge? - How can I more intentionally speak truth about racial injustice and biblical justice in
love? - After reading about the Tulia Texas case, I feel __________.