Christian Education Wing Dedication!
Easter Sunday, April 4, 2020
10:00-10:30 a.m.
Join us in our newly remodeled CE Wing for our dedication, time of blessing, and re-opening of our children’s ministry, Redeemer Kids!
Please continue to follow pandemic protocols (sign in, wear masks, social distancing, etc.)
Redeemer Kids is Starting In Person!
– This week we will be opening up our children’s ministry in the newly remodeled Christian Education Wing!
– Please RSVP with Pastor Tre’ before Sunday morning if you would like your children to go to children’s church.
– Children will follow pandemic protocols (sign in, masks, physical distancing, etc.).
– Preschool rooms will open at 10:30 a.m.
– Elementary students will begin in the sanctuary for worship with parents and then go to class during the sermon. Note: Children are always welcome to remain with their parents for the entire service. A packet of activities is available for them.
– Sorry, no nursery for infants at this time, but the “Cry Room” will be open.