Advent Season
Beginning Sunday, November 30
We will begin our tradition of lighting a candle in our Advent Wreath during the worship service. Each Sunday in Advent we light one more candle and have a reading and Scripture to go with each candle’s theme.
Our Angel Tree outreach ministry will also begin on the first day of Advent. See the tree in the foyer to participate.
Hanging the Greens
WEDNESDAY, December 3, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Join us for a festive evening of putting up Christmas trees, hanging wreaths, and decorating the church as we listen to Christmas music and enjoy fellowship over coffee and goodies. Come whenever you can, for as long as you can!
Advent Dinner
SATURDAY, December 6, 5:30 p.m.
Invite your neighbors and friends, bring your family, and join us for a fun night of Redeemer entertainment and a delicious feast. The main dish is catered and the sides and desserts are potluck. We sit around decorated tables in the sanctuary and enjoy entertainment by Redeemer friends.
If you would like to participate, contact the church office.
Ladies’ Ornament Exchange Party
Friday, December 12
Ladies, bring a wrapped Christmas ornament to exchange and a Mexican food dish to share.
Contact the church for location and details.
Children’s Christmas Program
Sunday, December 14, 10:45 a.m.
Our little ones will help us celebrate with their performance during the worship service.
Christmas Play: Humbug! Christmas in Kragerville
Friday, December 19, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 10, 2:00 p.m.
Join us for this original play by Cassie Watson and performed by Redeemer members, CREW youth group, and students in Performer’s Edge.
Admission: Donation of any size to Redeemer’s youth ministry.
Friday night only: Silent Auction!
Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
Wednesday, December 24, 6:00 or 11:00 p.m.
Our Christmas Eve service of carols, readings, and candles is held at two different times so you can choose what works best with your family’s plans. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Holiday Potluck Brunch
Sunday, December 28, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Join us in celebrating Christmas and the coming New Year!
If you can (but not required!) bring a friend, a dish to share, and your smile.