Hanging the Greens
SATURDAY, November 31, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Join us for a festive evening of putting up Christmas trees, hanging wreaths, and decorating the church as we listen to Christmas music and enjoy fellowship over coffee and goodies. Come whenever you can, for as long as you can!
Angel Tree Ministry
Begins Sunday, December 1
Look for the Angel Tree in the church lobby to participate in this outreach to children of incarcerated parents, Redeemer members in need, and some of our missionaries.
Advent Season Sermon Series
Sundays, December 1-22
December 1 begins the Advent sermon series based on our Advent Wreath tradition.
Advent Dinner
SUNDAY, December 8, 5:30 p.m.
Invite your neighbors and friends, bring your family, and join us for a fun night of Redeemer entertainment and a delicious feast. The meats are catered and the sides and desserts are potluck. We sit around decorated tables in the sanctuary and enjoy entertainment by Redeemer friends.
Tickets are $6/adult; $3/child age 5-11; Children under 5 are free.
If you would like to participate, see the table in the lobby or contact the church office at 972-466-0054.
Children’s Christmas Program
Sunday, December 22, 10:45 a.m.
Our little ones will help us celebrate during the worship service with their Christmas program performance.
Note to parents: Rehearsal will be Saturday, the 21st at 9:30 a.m.
Christmas Eve Worship Service
Tuesday, December 24, 6:00 or 11:00 p.m.
Our Christmas Eve service of carols, readings, and candles is held at two different times so you can choose what works best with your family’s plans. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Church Closures
Monday, December 23 – The church office will be closed.
Wednesday, December 25 – Merry Christmas!
The church office will be closed this week, due to staff vacations.
Wednesday, January 1 – Happy New Year!
The church office will be closed. There will be NO church activities.
New Year’s Eve Game Night!
Tuesday, December 31
Join us from 7 p.m. to Midnight for a fun night of games. Bring your favorite games. Bring the kids in their jammies and a sleeping bag. Invite family and friends.