Pastor Mark will lead 4 podclasses on human sexuality and gender. We will listen to a podcast first and then meet to talk about it.
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. on 4 Thursdays in May and June
Location: Redeemer’s Fellowship Hall
Podcasts topics/dates to be discussed:
May 18th – Wesley Hill (Embrace Webinar #17) – Focus: Side “B” Faith + Embrace Suite of Resources from the ECC
May 25th – Mark Yarhouse on “Hole in My Heart” Pod #147 (Nov 13th 2020) – Focus: Transgender
June 15th – “For the Love” Podcast Jen Hatmaker + Jonathan Merritt (March 1st 2022) – Focus: Affirming Christians + Those who have changed their perspective
*Note – the podcast discusses Jonathan’s story followed by a discussion of larger Evangelicalism. We will focus on the first half of the podcast (Jonathan’s story).
June 22nd – Final Pod: TBD (As chosen by participants 😊)
Contact Pastor Mark.