Fall Community IMPACT
Saturday, September 12, 2020
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
We will host a School Supplies & Food Drive for Metrocrest Services. Stop by the church parking lot to drop off donations. We will bring them to Metrocrest Services to help people in our community.
Three ways to give:
Make a MONETARY DONATION: You can donate money which will be given to Metrocrest. In the past we have donated money to help with back to school, and Hearts & Soles . This year, they are asking for money to help keep their pantry stocked due to the current needs in the community. If you wish to donate, you can donate in person, or online at RedeemerECC.org; If you are giving online please mark the box Hearts&Soles/Back to School as your designation.
Bring SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Even though the 2020-2021 school year is underway, there are still needs to fill. Consider bringing disinfecting wipes, gallon zip lock bags, #2 pencils, crayons, markers, highlighters, notebooks, construction paper etc.. The school supplies will be distributed to kids in need through Communities In School of North Texas.
Bring FOOD: Non-Perishable Foods and Personal Hygiene products for the Metrocrest Services Pantry to help our neighbors directly with tangible goods that are desperately needed.
Urgent food pantry needs are:
Canned fruit, canned vegetables
Canned chicken, canned tuna
Canned tomato sauce, canned soup
Pasta, dried beans, rice
Mac & cheese
Peanut butter
Clorox wipes
Laundry soap, dish soap
Want to volunteer? Contact Megan Edge.